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Welcome to the “D4AM Wiki”, the open public digital repository of design rules for additive manufacturing!

If you are new to this website, we advise you proceed to the Introduction page, where you will learn about the basic concept and the history of this knowledge base with open access.

If you are a frequent visitor, then you are probably already familiar with our navigation system presented in the sidebar, and you know how to find the general and process-specific rules of design for additive manufacturing.

We are looking for collaborators with expertise in AM design!

If you feel that you may improve the contents of the D4AM Wiki, please contact the Editor as we are glad to include all the interested engineers, designers, students and researchers in the team of authors of this website.

Yours sincerely,
D4AM Wiki team

The authors wish to acknowledge the support of European Commission through the project “Advanced design rules for optimal dynamic properties of additive manufacturing products – A_MADAM”, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 734455.

start.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/08 21:08 by soskicz

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