The A_MADAM project is over
After five years (1.1.2017-31.12.2021) of dedicated work of the project team and the Research Executive Agency of European Commission, the project A_MADAM is finished by accomplishing all of the planned tasks and producing all of the intended deliverables, within the limits of the proposed budget and along the timelines adjusted for the COVID-19 outbreak and its consequences.
The world at the end of the A_MADAM project is much different place than it was when the project started. Nevertheless, we firmly believe that our project, as we envisaged it once, and as we completed it today, still represents a contribution to scientific progress and human knowledge, which remain the keys to better future.
All 23 members of the A_MADAM project team wish to express their gratitude to European Commission for the support to this project and the unique experience it provided.
The A_MADAM project team,
31st of December 2021
A_MADAM project team
Life goes on – visit D4AM Wiki!
This website will remain as a testimony about the A_MADAM project and its course. However, the project results, as planned, will be open to public in the form of public digital repository of design rules for additive manufacturing (a sort of Wikipedia for the topic), known as D4AM Wiki. That repository, built within the A_MADAM project, will be further developed and upgraded, and the A_MADAM project team invites interested researchers and engineers for collaboration!
Welcome to the A_MADAM project website!
The A_MADAM project had mission to enhance application of an exciting new technology, the additive manufacturing (AM), in mechanical engineering. Our objective was to discover proper way to design mechanical components and structures to be able to withstand dynamic loads that arise in exploitation.
While the content of the work on the project was highly technical, this website intends to present the concept and results of the project to wide audience, so it contains sections with simple explanations. On the other hand, the project results are essentially to be used by mechanical and industrial designers, so the website also contains sections with technical contents that may be understood only by professionals.
No matter for what reason you visited this website, we wish you to enjoy its content and find it useful, and we encourage you to contact us with all your questions and about our project.